Creating Community Impact's Services
Creating Community Impact provides a variety of services to assist individuals who experience intellectual and developmental disabilities in living and working in our community just like you and me. Our Job Developers and Job Coaches assist individuals who have barriers to employment find meaningful employment through job carving, and help maintain employment through job coaching. Our Direct Support Professionals (DSP’s) provide supports to individuals for activities of daily living. These services may include assisting with all aspects of meal preparation, housekeeping, personal care, budgeting, shopping, communication, transportation, community integration, and socialization.
Supported Employment:
Our company wants to ensure that barriers are minimized as the individual begins their journey towards employment. It is our belief that any person can find employment! Creating Community Impact works with a variety of agencies including Vocational Rehabilitation, Creative Supports, Inc, Jackson County Developmental Disabilities Services, and Josephine County CLCM providing the services below based upon the service plan of the person we are serving.
Creating Community Impact assists individuals in finding sustainable employment that meets the needs of each individual. Everything is tailored to the individual whether it Job Development or more intensive services which may include Community Based Work Assessments, Vocational Exploration, Developing a Portfolio (Resume/Master Application) and/or Discovery. Additionally, we customize jobs that match the job seeker and employment site. Creating Community Impact works with individuals one person at a time using a Person Centered Approach. On the job training; job coaching; mentoring; and ongoing evaluations and assessments ensure success for both the employer and the employee.
Services through Vocational Rehabilitation may include: Vocational Exploration, Assessment, Job Development, and Job Coaching. Additionally we work with employers to seek work incentives (which encourage the employer to hire a person who has a disability) such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, On the Job Training, Internships and equipment/technology that the employer would not normally need to conduct their business yet assists the employee to meet employer standards.
When an individual needs to have continued supports at their job, Creating Community Impact provides job coaching for as long as needed if they are clients of Creative Supports, Inc, Jackson County Developmental Disability Services or Josephine County CLCM.
Community Living Supports:
These services provided by Creating Community Impact give adults with disabilities the opportunity to choose where they want to live and who they want to live with or not live with. These services provide the independence and inclusion in their community many strive for.
Individuals work with their team to develop a plan so they receive as much support as needed to live, work and play in their community. Individualized services are varied however they may include: cooking, cleaning, shopping, personal care, medication management, assistive technology, developing new skills, visiting friends, participating in community activities, assistance at appointments and transportation/transportation training for appointments. The supports are Person Centered to make sure each person has opportunities to thrive in the atmosphere of their choice so that they get to live the life they desire.
Individuals must be enrolled in Jackson County Developmental Disabilities Services, CLCM, Creative Supports, and/or Vocational Rehabilitation.