Our job development program is done in partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR). It is an exciting part of our work and the heart of what we strive to achieve for each job seeker. Job development is designed to help each job seeker achieve their full potential to work and achieve their unique goals. The Job Developer/Employment Specialist identifies job opportunities in the workplace which are unique to the job seeker being mindful of the job seekers skills and interests to ensure a successful match to the job seeker and employer’s needs. Job Development may include support with the application and interview process, as well as visits with potential employers. The end goal is to assist the job seeker to become more successful, productive and independent. Additionally, our aim is to assist job seekers in finding sustainable employment so that each job seeker is eager to go to work each day because the job match works for them.
What is Job Coaching?
Job Coaching is available to help clients learn new tasks and support their transition into a new job. Job Coaches assist in teaching new skills if the client is moved to a new position or is seeking promotion. They can help the client build relationships with their coworkers, learn about the rules of the business, and support them in being successful at work. Creating Community Impact focus on job retention, making sure the client is comfortable with the position and confident in his or her abilities.
What is Discovery?
If the client needs more information in order to help find out what he or she wants to do for work, they may be referred to a service called Discovery. The purpose is to learn about their unique skills and talents or in other words, "Your personal genius." Creating Community Impact uses a Person Centered approach spending one to one time with the client at their home and in the community. We help identify the client’s likes/dislikes. We visit the client at their home and tour several different community settings. Also, the Discovery process may include arranging volunteer or work experience opportunities in order to search for the type of jobs that best match the client’s interests and strengths. The Discovery Profile leads to other services such as Path to Employment or Job Development.
What are Long Term Job Supports?
Creating Community Impact job coaches are there to support the client and assist them in becoming as independent as possible at their job. We work to set-up natural supports at work so that co-workers are there to assist the client as we fade from one to one supports when the client is ready. Ongoing supports are customized to client needs to ensure that they are successful in their employment and meet the standards expected by their employer.
Employment First Oregon’s Employment First policy makes integrated employment a priority. Creating Community Impact is committed to helping individuals with disabilities find meaningful work and become more independent, integrated, and productive members of society. For more information on the Employment First initiative, click here: http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/EMPLOYMENT/EMPLOYMENT-FIRST/Pages/about.aspx
What is Vocational Exploration?
Vocational Exploration is a customized service. It may be used to assist individuals in exploring different jobs and get experience through internships.
What is an Assessment?
Vocational Rehabilitation may request an assessment of a client’s skills to determine their support needs at work. There are two types of assessments that may be requested. One is a Trial Work Experience and the other a Community Based Assessment. Creating Community Impact provides this service.
What is a Portfolio?
Creating Community Impact may be asked by Vocational Rehabilitation to develop a Portfolio for a client. This may include a Master Application, Personal Resume, Letters of Recommendation and Interview Skills. It is based upon client needs as identified by the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and employment team.